WATERLOO 02 9319 5999             PARRAMATTA 02 8960 9133           WETHERILL PARK 02 8597 9111        ROOTY HILL  02 9581 1000          OPINIONS & ASSESSMENTS 02 9319 5999 - 3

  For Employees

IMMEX is a leading provider of occupational healthcare and we’re ready to help you with your treatment and care. Most work-related illnesses and conditions are easily avoidable. By providing a flexible service we are able to deliver a comprehensive range of proactive solutions to prevent workplace injury and illness. Many of our services can be provided remotely to make it easier for you as the employee. The occupational healthcare services delivered by our trained medical practitioners include:


Pre-Employment Assessments

If you are applying for a position in a safety critical industry or for a company where a health standard exists, you will be required to undergo a Pre-Employment Medical Assessment. This is to ensure that you meet the required health standard for your own and others health and safety.

You will be required to complete a questionnaire giving details of your medical history, provide a urine sample, be examined by a doctor and undergo a variety of biometric assessments such as height, weight and blood pressure, with a nurse. Depending on the nature of the role, you may be required to do a drug and alcohol test, hearing test, lung function test or ECG heart check. There may also be a functional capacity assessment, if the role is physically demanding.


Injury Treatment & Injury Management

For non-serious injuries sustained in the workplace, IMMEX occupational nurses, doctors and physiotherapists will provide the care and treatment you need. Your supervisor or first aid manager will arrange for your transportation to one of our clinics.

Our doctors and physiotherapists will help you in your rehabilitation and liaise with your supervisor or return to work co-ordinator to provide functional capacity and restrictions so that suitable duties can be formulated. Ongoing treatment, and medical reviews facilitate a quicker return to work outcome and therefore minimize the impact to you as the injured worker.


Health Surveillance Programs

Health Surveillance is often a legal requirement in a workplace where an employee is exposed to noise, vibration, ionising radiation, solvents, fumes, dust, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health in the workplace. A health surveillance program includes baseline and periodic monitoring to assist in determining your exposure to risk in the workplace and can include pathology, spirometry, audiometry or biochemical testing depending on the specifics of your workplace.


Fitness for Duties Medical Assessment

Your employer has a duty of care to ensure the health and safety of its workforce. If you have sustained a medical condition or injury outside of the work environment, you may be asked to attend IMMEX for a Fitness for Duties assessment. This is to ensure that you are fit to perform the essential tasks within your role without putting yourself or others at risk. One of our specialist physicians will objectively assess your capacity to perform the role based on all the evidence available. Depending on the role and the nature of the injury, a Functional Capacity assessment, conducted by one of our physiotherapists may also be performed.

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