WATERLOO 02 9319 5999             PARRAMATTA 02 8960 9133           WETHERILL PARK 02 8597 9111        ROOTY HILL  02 9581 1000          OPINIONS & ASSESSMENTS 02 9319 5999 - 3

Psychological Services

The Psychologists consulting from IMMEX support organisations to manage work related employee psychological conditions; provide independent opinion as to whether a condition is work related, and assess fitness for duties for non-work related conditions. An experienced Psychologist can work with your team to provide tailored assessments aligned to your industry and workplace needs.


According to Beyond Blue, 3 million Australians are living with depression or anxiety. These conditions tend to affect people during their prime working years (16 to 64 years).


Early identification of at risk staff reduces the employer’s exposure to worker’s compensation claims associated with chronic psychological conditions and subsequent reduction in occupational and personal functioning. It also helps reduce absenteeism and reduced productivity associated with psychological decompensation.


A tailored education program for Managers will provide them with practical, effective, strategies to identify staff at risk, support them appropriately and provide them with information about services available to them.


Mental health problems are Australia’s leading cause of non-fatal disability, with depression and anxiety accounting for over half of this burden. Whether employers know it or not, a significant proportion of their employees (approximately 20 per cent) are likely to be experiencing a mental health problem at any one time.


Psychological pre-employment screening is cost effective. It allows the employer to identify individuals who are at risk due to increased psychological vulnerability. It also helps to prevent increased absenteeism and reduced productivity associated with a poor fit between temperament and job demands.


Upskilling Managers to support their staff will increase their sense of competency and confidence in being able to provide meaningful, effective support to staff. This in turn reduces the increased pressure on Managers that arises when distressed employees present to them.

At IMMEX we support Psychologists so they can provide employers with individually tailored intervention programs for employees identified as suffering from a mental illness.


What are the indicators for a Fitness for Duty Assessment referral?

The Employee:

  • exhibits a sudden change in behaviour in the workplace which is uncharacteristic for them. such as
    – sudden outbursts of anger
    – distress and tearfulness
    – increased absenteeism or arriving late for work
    – reduced performance
    – increase in errors
    – is withdrawn
    – expresses experiencing thoughts of self harm or harm to others where the is no imminent risk to their safety or the safety of others
  • Self identifies as having psychological difficulties and advice is needed about treatment options and management of mental health
  • When treatment with the EAP, GP or private psychologist has not resulted in a discernable improvement in mental health
  • is suspected of having a Substance Abuse
  • is experiencing a combination of Psychological and Physical symptoms that are affecting them occupationally
Should a referral for an FFD only be triggered by a workplace Injury?

A Fitness for Duty referral can be made where the primary cause is either occupational or personal. Regardless of the cause, poor mental health has an impact on the whole person’s functioning occupationally, socially and personally.

What do I do if I’m not sure whether I need a Fitness for Duty assessment or not?

Contact the IMMEX Medical Opinions and Assessment team for advice. If they are unable to assist they will facilitate a discussion with one of the Consultant Psychologists that we support.

What is the difference between a Fitness for Duty assessment and a referral for Assessment and treatment.

A Fitness for Duty assessment is a stand alone assessment to provide advice to the employer, the employee and their treating practitioners about the cause and management of psychological conditions. It is not confidential in that the employee is informed the employer will be provided with a report that will contain the information from the interview.

In an Assessment for treatment referral the purpose is to interview the employee to determine the psychological issues and develop and implement a treatment plan. The information provided by the employee in this instance is confidential. The employer may be given information but only with the written permission of the employee. These sessions may be employer funded or employee funded depending on the individual circumstances.

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